Challenges in Intellectual Property: Digitalisation, Counterfeiting and Sustainability

This entry was posted on 1 April 2022 by Rodrigo López Crespo

If you had been asked some years ago which development has entailed the greatest revolution in trade, the answer would have been obvious: the Internet. This is because the Internet and the digital revolution it has brought along have not only generated an endless stream of opportunities for companies to access new consumer bases to market their products and services to – thanks to the opening of new potential markets that transcend traditional borders – but have also brought on a number of unexpected challenges.


Sales Yes, Crowds No – The Spanish Government Rectifies Its Position in Light of the Rejection by Retailers of the Prohibition on Sales in Phase 1

This entry was posted on 20 May 2020 by Vanessa Guzek

The second additional provision of Ministerial Order SND/399/2020, of 9 May, of the Spanish Ministry of Health, which loosened some restrictions at the national level, introduced after the declaration of the national alert applying phase 1 of the New Normalisation Plan (see, caused much confusion among Spanish retailers and raised doubts about the application of the prohibition.


The Protection Of Fashion Creations And Knock-Offs

This entry was posted on 17 April 2018 by Vanessa Guzek

The protection of designs in the fashion industry continues to be an unresolved problem. Much of the current litigation in the clothing sector deals with infraction of industrial design due to the increase in “knockoffs” of designers’ creations. In the fashion industry there is still discrepancy about whether knockoffs are authentic copies of the original designs or if they are simply inspirations.