
Sales Yes, Crowds No – The Spanish Government Rectifies Its Position in Light of the Rejection by Retailers of the Prohibition on Sales in Phase 1

The second additional provision of Ministerial Order SND/399/2020, of 9 May, of the Spanish Ministry of Health, which loosened some restrictions at the national level, introduced after the declaration of the national alert applying phase 1 of the New Normalisation Plan (see, caused much confusion among Spanish retailers and raised doubts about the application of the prohibition.

This entry was posted on 20 May 2020 by Vanessa Guzek in Intellectual Property.

New deadline corporate income tax Spain

COVID-19: A New Deadline for the Payment of Corporate Income Tax?

After the entry into force of the state of alarm, and until its end, the deadline to prepare the annual accounts is suspended. In addition, after the state of alarm is lifted (foreseen for the month of May), companies will have a “new term of three months” in which to prepare them. To this we must add that the shareholders generally have another, additional period of three months to approve the accounts.

This entry was posted on 29 April 2020 by Gustavo Yanes in Tax.

Year of GDPR: What Have We Learned?

On 25 May the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) began to apply directly. The regulation, motivated by current technological advances and the complexity of the processing of personal data, was intended to find a new formula to guarantee an adequate level of protection for natural persons in the European Union and avoid divergences that hinder the free circulation of personal data within the internal market.

This entry was posted on 13 May 2019 by Consuelo Álvarez in IT and Data Protection.