Forced Digitalisation in Spain: Are Consulting Firms and Agencies Prepared?

Published on 14 December 2020

Over the past decade, Spanish companies have found themselves obligated to undergo a digital transformation if they do not want to be left behind in their respective sectors. This need for transformation began to seep into consulting firms and one-stop-shop agencies (so-called gestorías) in Spain, which are attempting to, little by little, digitalise their processes in order to optimise work and focus on offering value to their clients.

Although there have been advances, the daily administrative tasks and endless “paperwork” inherent to a gestoría have prevented, on many occasions, the total digitalisation of these processes.

The philosophy of zero paper

Digital technology allows companies to optimise their work and internal processes, at the same time as it offers professional, agile and effective service to their clients. The tendency of companies is to opt for the zero-paper philosophy, which permits them to reach these objectives at the same time as they implement measures to carry out sustainable and responsible environmental management.

Digital transformation in a consulting firm must have two facets:

  • Internal: it is fundamental for a consulting firm to carry out good document management via specialised software which allows it to optimise all of its internal processes and daily administrative tasks.
  • External: communication with the client must be constant and fluid, and the exchange of information should be an agile, efficient and confidential process. Digitalisation in this sense is determined by the use of exclusive online platforms for clients which provide a secure, electronic means of communication.

Forced digitalisation

In 2020, with the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic and mandatory confinement, remote working was imposed in the majority of offices. Digitalisation of internal and external processes became necessary for the survival of consulting firms and gestorías. Access to physical documentation and social contact with clients and work colleagues has been reduced to practically zero. This situation has revealed that digitalisation is not an option, but a necessity.

Those consulting firms or gestorías that were already working on the digitalisation process were prepared to swiftly adapt their processes to total digital transformation. They may not have foreseen this transformation for now, but they have been capable of responding rapidly without compromising the quality of their services. In adversity they saw an opportunity for growth and, as a result, their clients, as well as their employees, have benefited.

In conclusion, many clients demand more speed, ease and reliability in all types of jobs. For this reason,   consulting firms should be digitally prepared to respond to their clients’ needs now and in the future.

Judith Castro · Accounting Advisor at Acos Accounting Solutions